Epic Art Challenge 2024

Epic Art Challenge is back for 2024 and, in this very special year, we are celebrating 900 years of Stirling!

To celebrate Stirling’s history, growth and achievements since being founded as a borough by King David I in 1124, we are looking for artists to create new artwork that captures all things Stirling - past, present, and future! What makes Stirling special? What does Stirling mean to you? How do you see the next 900 years? 

We’re looking for original artwork that responds creatively to the theme, not simply the most technically proficient. 

From the entries we receive, we will select our favourite artworks to be presented in our Arthouse.

All submissions should be either A4 or A3 so we can have them framed for our exhibition. 

All submissions should fall into one of the age categories below:

Ages: 5 to 10

Ages: 11 to 14

Ages: 15 to 17

Ages: 18+

To submit your entry, please complete this form

 The submission deadline is Friday 3 May.

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Macrobert Arts Centre limited is a Scottish charity, no SC039546
Copyright © 2021 Macrobert Arts Centre
University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA


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