I can’t tell you how many years I’ve been doing this delightful venue, Macrobert Arts Centre in Stirling, but I’m pretty sure it’s over 10 years now. And contrary to the title of my show, Stirling gets more fun every year!
This year, there are Eurovision dance routines, a Padam Padam tribute to the Edinburgh Trams, stories of Orcadians, Aberdonian dolphins, the magic power of being Glaswegian, an alternative Burns Speech, Elginites suddenly ‘coming out’, and a local postman offering Viagra! 😂
And this is, without even telling you, the gems I found in my audience last time I was in Stirling! Craig, the Joiner, who bizarrely worked for a plumbing company, who fell in fae ‘Fallin’, Angie the woman who accidentally lit up her face for the whole audience to see when her phone went off, two women from Blackpool and Liverpool who were definitely ‘on the pool’ 😂, Toby from Cambridge, who was studying PPE (which turned out to be Politics, Philosophy and Economics) and Big Ian from ‘B of A’ (Bridge of Allan) who got up, danced his ass off and delighted us with his moves!
I mean, it’s no wonder I’m excited to be back! As I always say, Stirling is sterling entertainment! 👍
Craig Hill returns on Sat 10 Feb with This gets harder every year. Book tickets here.
View our full programme here.