Our relaxed events have been developed in consultation with our audiences, industry experts and visiting companies to make productions and events more accessible to audiences who are usually excluded from cultural spaces. Relaxed events are programmed to ensure everyone is able to access and benefit from engaging with live performance and feel welcome in our venue. People with Autism Spectrum Conditions and other neurodivergent conditions such as Tourette’s Syndrome or ADHD, those with a learning disability, those bringing children to the theatre, and people with Dementia or Alzheimer’s may benefit from a relaxed event.
If you haven't visited our venue before you might find it useful to watch our familiarisation video.
Keep an eye on our What's On listings to find out about our next event.
You can book online, call 01786 466 666 or visit our Box Office in person.
If you would like any further information or would like to chat with someone about these events please get in touch with our Creative Activities Team
Supported by The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust.
We've expanded our cinema programme so you can also enjoy films with your family and friends.
These screenings are open to everyone, but are designed to welcome people who benefit from a more relaxed environment - those with an Autistic Spectrum condition, sensory and communication disorders and people living with dementia. You can expect:
*Look out for our Relaxed Screenings throughout the year online and in our Cinema guide.
There will be a relaxed performance of 'Weans In The Wood' on Fri 19 Dec at 1.30pm, please book here.